I realize the economy is in the shitter, and we blame Bush, the Republicans, the over-paid CEOs, Wall Street, and well, everyone except ourselves.
I try to steer clear of political posts, my opinion is one of a kind. Balanced on a wall, refusing to take sides.
The fact is America must have an IQ average of 79 points. They are idiots.
Are you seriously telling me Bush, the Republicans, the over-paid CEOs, or Wall Street, made a huge majority of America spend beyond their means? Houses quite litterally sometimes 100,000$+ out of your price range, because house values ALWAYS go up. Cars, clothes, shoes (me), toys.
Sure, we are all gullible, and sucked in by hype. We can totally live our lives on revolving credit. Nobody really ever has to PAY for those choices.
First the banks crumble. Honestly we should have let them. This should have stopped right there. They built empires balancing revolving credit. They funded loans that, in all reality, could never be paid. I'm not a historian, but I kind of feel like we should have learned something from the Great Depression. Or maybe even Shakespeare. "Neither borrower nor lender be.". Whatever, bygones, it's done.
So the banks crumble. With it go the jobs of those employed by the banks. Next go the over-extended businesses over-funded by the banks, and the jobs of those employed there.
Suddenly there is a large portion of 79 IQ point averages mindlessly wandering around America jobless and whining about how they are not taken care of. Government HAS to step in, it would be inhuman not to. Government has a responsibility to Joe and Jane Q Public. Really, that's what it's there for.
Government turns around and bails out the banks. Not all the banks, just the ones it likes. The way to fix the economy is to restore the core problem. OF COURSE IT IS.
Now we can spend again, all is right with the world. Except all those people in the middle from the over-extended companies still have no jobs since no one helped them.
All the other borderline over-extended companies tighten their purse strings because they know their taxes are going to increase. They cut pay, they cut work force, they extend credit where ever possible to survive. They brace for the piper, because they have an IQ above 79, and they know someone will have to pay the piper.
Government sees that saving the banks was a bad idea, or at least not a good one. Restoring the root of the problem shockingly quantified the problem. But now they are too deep. Now big companies that extended credit are also failing. There is no demand, or where there is demand there is no money.
Government bails out the auto industry (except Ford, who saw, and fixed the problems before hand). Government puts out cash for clunkers. If we PAY the 79 IQ points wandering around jobless, they can contribute to the solution by SPENDING.
Now those jobless wandering masses have run out of hope, and they are about to run out of benefits. Government has a responsibility to J&J Public, so they extend benefits.
So on and so forth to today. Government has spent trillions plugging leaks on a sinking tugboat, when Government should have simply bought a shiny new yacht.
Government shouldn't have bailed out banks, the banks should have failed. The Government should have bailed out those businesses in the middle. The ones keeping local economies going. Not by handing them anything, but by increasing grants, and protecting them from the failing banks by extending the chapter 13 bankruptcy (which is a stall more then a fail).
The Government should not have extended unemployment. People can not get jobs to pay what they want. Its more economical to stay home and collect a check that is more then if they took what they could get.
Unemployment should have been revamped. People should be allowed to work, and collect unemployment. They should be evaluated on what they should be making using a complicated formula that factors both education and experience into the equation, and they should have been paid that. Then when they take a job, the differece should be paid by unemployment. Not being productive in a society you have trained and worked for kills the soul. Sitting home watching soap operas has to kill IQ points. Maybe you started off at 130, but after a year of soul & mind sucking, your probably down to contributing to the 79 IQ average.
The government should have tightened the purse strings, not loosened them. When times are tough, you don't empty your savings account to buy shoes, you save more and only buy essentials. Why should the government run differently? It just doesn't make any sense.
It's not a Democratic or Republican problem, (giant) mistakes have been made accross the board, and there are so many more in the works.
If government feels the overwhelming need to spend irrationally, they should simply give the money back to the tax-payers. If the government is just throwing this money around shouldn't we, in all honesty, stand up and say stop? Clearly we have overpaid our taxes. Not just the rich people either, everyone has to have overpaid.
Well, that about sums it up. Not really of course, but my fingers are tired.
Friday, December 3, 2010
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