Externally, I am just so happy to have so many more ways to embarrass myself.
As if the telephone, and basic writing tablet (yes, even personalized stationary) were not enough. Now I have text, email, myspace, facebook, and twitter. I have blogging. I have the option of combining any, and sometimes all of these to make an epic fool of myself.
Remember drunk dialing. The best friend calls at 3 am, the family calls you could never live down? The occasional ex "closure" call, or the crush "we were meant for each other" call? Well, it's bigger and better than ever now!
We have all had our share of electronic rants. Well maybe not all, some people have restraint. Some people are still blissfully in the dark ages... I wish I was sometimes.
It was only a month or so ago, I had myself a little drunk twitterfest. Who knew two glasses of wine could knock me on my ass like that! I am still embarrassed completely, but hey, what are you going to do.
I have learned self control. When there is alcohol involved, I think your computer is as dangerous (if not more so) than your car. I try to lock everything up. My iphone has made that very hard.... (hence drunk twitterfest).
It truly does not help me that sarcasm does not translate very well when written. If you read me with anything other than a sarcastic tone, you are usually (not always) missing the tone. I have tried to reform, but the fact of the matter is, I just don't get what I am doing wrong.
Well enough of that. I really have to get back to work now.
In a completely unrelated way, here is a pic.

Wow! ^_^ Nice pic.