I’ve been pretty busy putting things off lately. I decided to sell my house, regardless of how the essay contest goes, the fact of the matter is: I don’t like it here. If I don’t win the house, and the chances are really slim they will even have enough entries, I will probably stay in this general area, just probably not Ogden. I am going to buy a condo in Vegas, cause I think it’s just stupid not to. All the time I spend out there, I may just keep it for me. If I sell my house, keeping a place there and here would be simple. Or I can rent it out, or just rent it on a vacation basis. Whatever, it’s a good decision. Ten years from now it will triple in value, so it’s stupid not to.
I love it when random people tell me I’ve made them laugh. I love to make people laugh, so that’s really one of my favorite things to hear.
I was told Sat that my kindness was only surpassed by my beauty. I got to say, that’s as smooth as it gets. I don’t care if he was late eighties that made my month.
I played a big home game (two homes) tournament Saturday. It was a lot of fun, great people, and I love playing with them. If I had won it would be among my favorite tourney’s ever. I didn’t win though. I made a dumb ass call, you know the kind. The kind where you make it, even though you know that you are beat, because one card will make you nuts. Ummmm I think they call that fishy. The guy wasn’t even that good (kind of a total dink I thought), on his end it was a dumb ass shove. It didn’t take him too long to donk off the chip lead I gave him, which is probably the part that chaps my hide…. I played cash after that. I did good in the mixed games for a bit, then took a brutal beat. The kind of I’m totally trapped, but I can’t get outta it, but I should cause I know I’m trapped, kinda beat. Obviously I didn’t get out of it. Nice friendly game my ass lol. Then I left the mixed games and switched to NLHE, but by then I only had 60 bucks left. I fought hard with it, and on the very last hand of the night I brought it all the way up to 12 less then what I walked in with. Considering I bought dinner and new cards for my poker set, it actually turned out to be a tiny profit. Gosh it was fun though.
I’d love to head back to Vegas this weekend, but I better not. I really need to stick around hear and get stuff done so I can get my house sold. The flights available are pretty good though….. Damn. No no no no. Hopefully I can get into Ryan’s game Friday so I don’t have to drive to SLC to play poker lol. I really like playing with almost everyone that plays here locally (I have a bone to pick with the guy that spanked me in the mixed, but he’s still nice enough), and they are all so good. They aren’t pros, but a few of them should be. I think it takes a lot of guts to be a pro poker player. I have brass balls (I keep them in my dresser drawer at night), but I may lack the guts…. I need about five more years of really solid play to decide if I can acquire the skills I need. So I will continue to play whenever I can (as long as I have a bankroll left), and build the skills. The fact is I love to play, and my family and friends are not completely unsupportive (hell dad foots the plane tickets ((thanks dad, love ya!))).
I know you all live for my tiny little WTF moment, so here it is.
This is Chaise(?) I think. He dropped his jaw open every time he semi bluffed. It was hilarious! He never really bluffed though, so you had to be careful. His semi bluffs were most often the nuts, he was a pretty tight player, but he didn’t have the balls to commit to a hand so he busted out.
I tweeted that he dropped his jaw Napoleon Dynamite style, and a pic was requested. He caught me, but it was worth it. Besides he was too mousey to object….
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